Letter to Community from Dallas Orthodox Rabbis
Dear Friends,
The community rabbis are closely monitoring the COVID-19 metrics, and are aware that the hospitalization rate is moving up. We have consulted with medical authorities and have been assured that with our current protections, shul is actually one of the safest places to be. We encourage everyone to maintain strict social distancing and masks around other people, not allowing ourselves to be lax or cavalier with respect to the virus, which is still very much present in our community. Everyone should consult his/her own rabbi for any changes, if at all, in shul procedures.
Rabbi Shlomo Abrams, Jewish Learning Center
Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum, Congregation Ohr Hatorah
Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried, DATA
Rabbi Avi Honigsfeld, DATA of Richardson
Rabbi Ariel Rackovsky, Congregation Shaare Tefilla
Rabbi Yaakov Rich, Congregation Toras Chaim
Rabbi Aryeh Rodin, Congregation Ohev Shalom
Rabbi Moshe Segal, DATA of Richardson
Rabbi Ronen Shimon, Young Israel
Rabbi Zacharia Sionit, Sephardic Torah Center of Dallas
Rabbi Howard Wolk, Congregation Shaare Tefilla
Rabbi Nasanya Zakon, DATA of Plano