Congregation Shaare Tefilla
Congregation Shaare Tefilla was founded with the mission of being a Modern Orthodox synagogue; to engage in the modern world through the prism of Torah and tradition. Our members and leadership are heavily involved in the greater Dallas community –Dallas Jewish Federation, Dallas Vaad, and AIPAC – and also identify with our brothers and sisters in the State of Israel. We pride ourselves on offering home hospitality to all visitors, passersby and prospective members. This provides a unique and genuine sense of community throughout Shabbat and in the synagogue. Youth programming is similarly a robust and active program, primarily hosted in Margot’s House adjacent to the synagogue.
Marcus Rosenberg, ob”m, was a force for Jewish life and education. He sowed the first few but mighty seeds of the Dallas community over 50 years ago with the founding of Akiba Academy, and ensured Dallas’s Jewish future included laying the foundation for Congregation Shaare Tefilla in 1986. On Chanukah of that year, Rabbi Howard Wolk was inducted as the first rabbi of Shaare Tefilla and subsequently spearheaded the dedication of Shaare’s home at 6131 Churchill Way. During his 16-year term, he helped build the first eruv and establish Yavneh High School. Rabbi Wolk currently maintains the position of community chaplain in Dallas.
In 2003, Congregation Shaare Tefilla started a new chapter with Rabbi Ari Perl at its helm. Rabbi Perl’s commitment to growing and profiling the synagogue was quickly and professionally accomplished – 60 new families joined Shaare in just two years. This provided the foundation for an active, vibrant, diverse congregation that continued to grow. In 2014, Rabbi Perl assumed the pulpit of the Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach, in New York.
In the summer of 2015, Congregation Shaare Tefilla welcomed Rabbi Ariel Rackovsky as its newest rabbi. Rabbi Rackovsky most recently served as Assistant Rabbi of The Jewish Center and will now manage a congregation of over 175 families at Shaare Tefilla.
If you live outside of Dallas and are considering relocating to our area, or if you live in the Dallas area but haven’t been to Shaare Tefilla in a while, we are happy to extend you an invitation to spend Shabbat with us.
Rabbi Ariel Rackovsky
Congregation Shaare Tefilla
6131 Churchill Way, Dallas, TX 75230
(972) 661-0127, [email protected]