Rebuilder Series: Reframing A Masterpiece. By Marshall Lestz

Rebuilder Series: Reframing A Masterpiece. By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody,
Let’s say you were invited to the art gallery of your all-time favorite artist. And just to make it fun, let’s say time-travel was not a problem, so perhaps you’re visiting Da Vince or Picasso… one of the Master artists of all time. And he gives you a one-on-one personal tour of all of his most prized creations. So here’s the question– Would you be just as careful not to damage a piece of his art that you didn’t like, as you would with a piece of art that you thought was beautiful?
Of course! You’d be equally careful with both of them. But what about criticizing it? Would you hold your tongue, or go ahead and tell Da Vince what was wrong with the Mona Lisa? Obviously, that would be ludicrous. Our great respect for the artist and his supreme talent would keep us quiet. In fact, we’d probably assume that the reason we didn’t like one of his pieces was because we didn’t fully comprehend its brilliance and beauty. After all, it was created by a master artist, a creative genius who we looked up to.
Friends, let’s apply this analogy to our fellow Jews who we’re not particularly fond of. We may not adore a certain person’s behavior. We might not consider his personality or idiosyncrasies very beautiful. And some of his character traits might strike us as anything but lovely. But we can still treat him with respect because of WHO CREATED HIM! He was handcrafted by the most Masterful Artist and Sculptor in the universe!
If there’s someone in our life who we feel like, “I just can’t do it… I just cannot respect this person”, then at least for now, don’t respect him for HIS sake, do it for his CREATOR’S sake. Show HASHEM honor, by honoring this person who Hashem created.
Regardless of how we currently feel about someone, let’s remember that he is PRICELESS… a one of a kind masterpiece created by Hashem. The more we’re able to focus on that person’s G-dly connection and the divine spark that resides within him… the more likely we’ll be able to treat him with the dignity he truly deserves.
Have a beautiful and creative day everybody,
Keep on Building!