Rebuilding Series: A Great Self-Image is a Blessing. By Marshall Lestz
Rebuilding Series: A Great Self-Image is a Blessing. By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody,
The Torah is so full of inspirational take-aways!… And this week’s Torah portion is no exception. Hashem commands Avraham to leave his homeland and set off on what would be a life-changing journey. But first, Hashem showers multiple blessings upon Avraham, and one of those blessings was (Genesis 12:3): “…and all the families of the earth will be blessed through you.” Rashi tells us the simple meaning of this bracha (blessing) is that a man will say to his son, “Be like Avraham.” In other words, parents will bless their children by using Avraham as the gold standard. “We want you to be like Avraham… follow in Avraham’s footsteps.”
Can you imagine the impact this statement might’ve had on Avraham?… How it might’ve positively influenced the way he saw himself? Hashem just informed him that he’s going to be a role model to the world! He’s going to be so great and admired that all of mankind will tell their children to be like him! Let that sink in for a second…
Do you think possessing such an elevated and inspiring view of himself might’ve helped Avraham live up to the exceedingly difficult challenges he was destined to face?… All those tumultuous tests Hashem gave him… Like having his wife abducted twice by 2 different kings, a famine, a war, being told to sacrifice his own son… Is it possible that when Avraham was wrestling with these massive ordeals he strengthened himself by saying, “Hashem told me that people are going to tell their children to be like ME! I can do this… I can live up to that greatness. Hashem believes in me or else He would’ve never given me that blessing! I’ll do everything I can to make sure I live up to Hashem’s vision for me.”
When we tell someone, especially someone who looks up to us, that we think they’re amazing, or that we see something special in them, or that we believe they’re destined for greatness… it can inspire them for their entire lives. We hold such incredible power in our hands… we can potentially change the trajectory of someone’s life! Many of us can pinpoint an exact moment when a teacher, friend, parent, grandparent, or a favorite role model once told us something that made a lifelong impact on us. It’s amazing…
So, is there someone in your life who could benefit from your unconditional support and encouragement? If you don’t mind, I’m just gonna answer that for you and say YES! I’m sure there is! So let’s do it! It only takes a moment to tell someone we believe in them. But that moment could last their entire life.
Have an empowering day, everybody.
Keep on Building!