Rebuilding Series: Come in, Come in! By Marshall Lestz
Rebuilding Series: Come in, Come in! By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody,
When people send out invitations, it’s normal to ask invitees to RSVP. But can you imagine doing that with Hashem? You invite G-d to something and you’re like, “Yeah, so Hashem, when You get a second, would You mind filling out that reply card I sent? I really need to know if You’re coming.” Yeah, it doesn’t exactly work that way. Because when we invite Hashem to something, He’s coming! All we have to do is invite Him.
This is basically what the Kotzker Rebbe famously stated centuries ago. He posed the question, “Where is G-d?” And then he answered, “Wherever we let him in.”
Such powerful words, aren’t they! Let’s take them to heart, by asking a follow up question that can help these words make a practical difference in our lives: So, if Hashem is wherever we let Him in…. WHERE will we let Him in? Will we let Him in– in our cars when we’re out running errands? How about at board meetings? Or client meetings? Or around the dinnertable? Or how about at parent-teacher conferences? Or the waiting room at the doctor’s office? Will we invite Him to wait with us at the deli counter? Or at the airport during a delay? Or when we’re on the phone with the plumber? Or enjoying our favorite food? Or lying awake at night?…
One of the beautiful parts of the Kotzker’s quote is that he didn’t say that G-d is wherever Helets US in. But wherever WE let HIM in. The ball’s in our court!
So maybe we designate one place, or one activity, and we make a concerted effort to let G-d in and try to feel a little extra gratitude, or joy, or patience, or trust in Him… A place where we feel more spiritually connected or protected or whatever speaks to us, as a way to strengthen our relationship with Him.
Hashem is at our door. Especially now, during Elul. So let’s let Him in.
Have a beautiful day everybody and magnificent Shabbos!
Keep on Building!