Rebuilding Series: The Wooden Dome. By Marshall Lestz

Rebuilding Series: The Wooden Dome. By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody, and chag sameach, happy Sukkos!
As you may know, the American government, a staunch ally and good friend of Israel for generations, just yesterday had a congressional vote to decide whether to approve or block the funding for Israel’s defense system known as the Iron Dome. I assume most of us were either dismayed, confused and/or upset that such a vote even had to be held, as it seemed to make no logical sense whatsoever. Thank G-d the funding was approved by a vast margin.
I’d like to pose the following observation/question:
What are the chances that this extraordinary vote was over a defense system called the “IRON DOME,” at the exact same time that we’re living in little huts made with fragile, POROUS “DOMES?!” And what are the chances that these fragile porous domes strewn atop our sukkahs just happen to symbolize our TRUST IN HASHEM THAT HE WILL KEEP US SAFE, SECURE, AND PROTECTED?! It’s pretty crazy, isn’t it?
Now, yes, Hashem wants us to do whatever is in our power to be safe from our enemies, like using the Iron Dome. BUT, we’re never to forget where our ULTIMATE protection and success comes from. It’s not in superior armed forces or weaponry. It’s G-d. We do our part, and He does His.
It’s so easy to put our complete trust in the mighty Israeli armed forces. They are amazing heroes, and a true blessing for the Jewish people and our Homeland. Our gratitude to them is beyond measure. But maybe, just maybe, the timing of this bizarre push to defund the Iron Dome on Sukkos is another wake-up call for us… Where are we putting the bulk of our trust? In the military? Advanced technology? Superior strategy? Or Hashem?
Let’s use this recent anomalous vote in Congress as a springboard to strengthen our prayers and increase our reliance on the “Wooden Dome” of our sukkahs. And through our expanded trust in the One Above, instead of the Iron Dome above, may Hashem bless Israel and all the Jewish people with safety, security, and enduring peace.
Have a joyful and uplifting day everybody. Chag Sameach! Happy Sukkos! And have a most beautiful Shabbos,
Keep on Building!