Rebuilding Series: Your Daily Thank You Note to Hashem. By Marshall Lestz

Rebuilding Series: Your Daily Thank You Note to Hashem. By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody,
When someone gives you a greeting card, it’s always a bonus if the person writes something personal on the inside. Same thing if someone gives you a book and they write an inscription in the cover… it feels good to read their heartfelt comments.
Imagine getting a card from someone, a thank you note, and it’s one of those store-bought blank cards that you’re supposed to write your own message in… And the person who gave it to you left the inside blank! Not to be mean, and not by accident… He just didn’t write a single word, or even sign it. It would kind of leave you feeling a bit blah, right?
Well, as we know, every day of life is a gift from Hashem. And with that gift also comes a card, a metaphorical blank card, that Hashem wants us to fill out with the most personal note we can write Him. Except we don’t write it, we live it. With the choices we make, the kindness we do, the mitzvos we perform, the gratitude we show, the words and prayers we say, the peace we make, the self-control we show, the Torah we learn, the positivity we spread, the love we express, the justice and righteousness we pursue, the effort we exert, and the t’shuva that we do… That’s how we inscribe every day’s blank card. That’s how we tell Hashem thank you for the opportunity to be alive and to be a Jew.
And Hashem saves every one of our cards; He cherishes them and keeps them tucked away someplace safe. And after 120 years, I have a feeling He takes them out and reads them with us. Or, perhaps that’s kind of what He does every Rosh Hashana….
Well a new day is here– another blank card is in our hands… Let’s thank Hashem for the amazing miracle of life that He has once again entrusted us with. Today’s our next chance to be as great as we can be.
Have a phenomenal day everybody,
Keep on Building!
Dear Marshall,
That was really beautiful and inspiring. A message that can be remembered, G-d willing,
and utilized.
Wishing you a Shana Tova.
Shana Tova Ellen, and Happy Sukkos! Thank you for your kind message! Your words encourage me and remind me to “write” something meaningful in my “card” today! Thank you! Chag Sameach! :)
Keep on Building!