The Thinking Jew Podcast: Ep. 76 Flags & Unity: Individuality Within The Community By Rabbi Moshe Segal

The Thinking Jew Podcast: Ep. 76 Flags & Unity: Individuality Within The Community By Rabbi Moshe Segal
While traveling in the desert, God commands Moses to set up the Jews in very specific formation; three tribes in each direction and the tabernacle in the center. The Torah also teaches that each encampment had its own flag, as well as each tribe had its own flag.
What was the role of these flags and encampments? Why not keep the people united as one whole group? To strengthen the question, one of the great merits the Jews had when they received the Torah was their unity, so why would God seemingly want to alter that by dividing them?
Join me as we take a deeper look into what flags represent as well as the Kabbalistic parallels between the tribes encampment around the Tabernacle and the angels’ encampment around God’s throne of glory.
Happy Listening!
Rabbi Moshe
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