A Letter from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
How vital is the Agudah? Here are some true stories from our Constituent Services Department, just one of the many Agudah departments:
- Yitzchok K. called for assistance for his relative, Richard, who died while living in a monastery in California. The monastery claimed to be his next of kin and planned to cremate him. We helped Moshe obtain legal counsel. Ultimately, the court recognized Moshe as the genuine next of kin and he was able to arrange a kosher kvurah for Richard.
- Raphael is a nursing student in Dallas, Texas. His school threatened to expel him if he took time off for the Yomim Noraim. We sent him the text of the Texas law prohibiting schools from discrimination due to religious observance, which he showed his professors and the school administration. Subsequently, the school relented and allowed him to make up the course work without penalties.
- Chana K. is a social worker in a Brooklyn hospital. Her supervisor threatened to fire her and her colleagues if they were absent from work on Yom Kippur. We contacted the local assemblyman’s office who in turn called the hospital administration and lodged a complaint. As a result, all the social workers were given the day off and the hospital offered an apology.
- Moshe needed help for his father, a Holocaust survivor who lost his Holocaust benefits because he was too ill to fill out the recertification papers. We directed the son to the Austrian Consulate where they were able to reclaim the benefits retroactively.
Agudath Israel cannot do our vital work without you. YOU ARE VITAL! Your partnership is crucial. Your gift tomorrow will impact our future, but also the future of many of your friends, relatives, and acheinu b’nei Yisroel.