Mazel Tov to Victor & Marina Dykman
Mazel Tov to Victor & Marina Dykman on the birth of a grandson.
Mazel Tov to Victor & Marina Dykman on the birth of a grandson.
Help Us Build and Grow Our Kehillah – Every Dollar Matched! Dear…
Save the Date: Bikur Cholim of Dallas Upcoming Gala!
We invite you to join us for our powerful and unforgettable third annual Gala celebrating the incredible work of Bikur Cholim of Dallas and the community that makes it all possible.
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Nine months ago, we established the Dallas Vaad Hatzedakah to meet a growing need in our community: to authenticate meshulachim who collect tzedakah in Dallas. Rabbi Zecharya Sionit accepted the appointment as the Rabbi’s representative for this task.
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Our Deepest Condolences to Marshall Lestz
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OU and Dallas Kosher: From Ranchers to Rabbi – A Journey into the World of Kashrus
Our Deepest Condolences to Harry Schick
The Essence of Chanukah for Our Times
What happens when divine rejection meets human jealousy? In this gripping continuation of Cain and Abel’s story, Rabbi Epstein reveals the devastating psychological spiral that led to history’s first murder.
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Our Deepest Condolences to Rabbi Ezra Sarna
Mazel Tov to Harry & Sarina Schick on the birth of a granddaughter.
Our Deepest Condolences to Arlene Brodsky
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yaakov & Rebbetzin Susan Rich on the birth of a grandson.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yehudah & Esti Abrams on the engagement of their son, Nesanel Simcha, to Penina Weitzner.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Aryeh & Rebbetzin Chaya Feigenbaum on the birth of a grandson.