A New Talmud Torah Opens In….Dubai

DUBAI, UAE (VINnews) — A new Talmud Torah has opened in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The Talmud Torah, which has 40 pupils, is the latest stage in the development of a flourishing Jewish community in the wealthy Arab country which has attracted many Jewish businessmen to move there and establish a communal center.
Ami magazine reporter Shlomi Zioce visited the community and interviewed community president Solly Wolf, who detailed community plans to build a mikve and said that there is a Jewish Shochet (ritual slaughterer) in the community but animal meat is imported from abroad. The community’s shul has been active for years but is mainly used on Shabbat and holidays.
Wolf told Ami that “there’s significant potential for cooperation between Israel and the Emirates on various topics.” He also praised Dubai’s government for its support of the 1500-strong Jewish community in the Emirates and called on Jews everywhere to visit the community, which recently inaugurated its own Twitter site.
Our blessings for the UAE
— Jewish Community of the UAE (@JewishUae) June 1, 2020
دعاء من أجل #الإمارات
Part 1 pic.twitter.com/JudlzkyEnr
Thank you!! Happt Shavout!! https://t.co/9LqJ9nRHRM
— Jewish Community of the UAE (@JewishUae) May 28, 2020
In the past Zionce interviewed Dubai billionaire Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtour, a philanthropist who has called in the past to establish full relations with Israel, stating that “Jews and Arabs are cousins and its stupid for cousins to fight one another so we in the Gulf states say publicly that we wish to establish relations with Israel.” In a recent interview he said that “we want the future with Israel. We need to inform the world that we want peace. Israel exists, that is a fact and we need to accept it.”