Baal Tefila Of Uman Rosh HaShana Loses Life to COVID-19

The Breslev community lost a tremendous light last week, with the passing of prominent Rav and father of 10 children Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Karmel. Karmel collapsed in his home while battling COVID, and Hatzolah were unable to resuscitate him.
The rabbi gave a remarkable 18 shiurei Torah each week to his beloved talmidim, and authored seforim as well. He was also well known for having the honor of leading prayers in Uman on Rosh Hashana, as the baal tefilah on the Yom HaDin for chassidim from all over the world.
Rav Karmel left behind a Rebbetzin and many children, who are now struggling to come to terms with his sudden passing.
We had heard the stories of how suddenly it could happen,” says the moving letter on the family’s emergency fund page, “but nothing prepares you for it to happen to you.”
Rebbetzin Karmel is now left with enormous debts as well as devastating grief, and is turning to the Jewish People for help. Those who are able to help the Karmel orphans during this extremely sensitive time can do so here for a limited time.