Birkas Hailanos: Blessing on Fruit Trees. Please fill out the form. We’re making a list of available fruit trees.

Birchas hailanos – the beracha recited when fruit trees blossom in the spring—is a beracha that had once fallen by the wayside. Nowadays, however, birkas hailanos has had a revival; it is back on the map and blooming once again.
Many people now make a point of saying this beracha every spring. Some turn it into an outing, and whole families trek to a neighborhood tree to recite the beracha. A list of trees in our community is being gathered. Kindly fill out the form below so we can make this mitzvah available to the entire Dallas Jewish Community.
Please fill out the form to be added to our fruit trees spread sheet.
ברוך אתה ד’ אלהינו מלך העולם, שלא חסר בעולמו כלום, וברא בו בריות טובות ואילנות טובים, להנות בהם בני אדם.
“Baruch atah Hashem, Elokeinu Melech HaOlam, shelo chisar b’olamo klum, u’vara vo b’riyos tovos v’ilanos tovim l’hanos bahem b’nei adam.
“Blessed are You, Hashem, our G-d, Master of the universe, Whose world lacks nothing, and Who created within it beneficial creatures and beneficial trees to bring enjoyment to people.”
Number | Eruv | Address | Accessiblity | |
1. | South Eruv | 6263 Preston Crest Ln., 75230 | Accessible from street in front of house. The little tree beside the driveway and the big tree beside the garage are both flowering fruit trees. | |
2. | South Eruv | 7310 Currin Dr | Accessible from alley in back of house. Not accessible unless you enter the back yard. May be accessible over neighbors fence. | |
3. | South Eruv | 5611 Melshire Drive 75230 | Pear Tree in front of the house. | |
4. | Far North Eruv | 7004 Nicki St. 75252 | As you enter the alley from either Nicki or Bremerton Dr. On the left side as you enter the alley. | |
5. | Plano Eruv | Bandolino between Overland and Mission Ridge | Accessible from street in front of the house. There are a couple of trees on Bandolino between Overland and Mission Ridge in Plano just north of Parker Rd. | |
6. | South Eruv | Public walkway next to Tiferet Israel | Fig trees. Accessible from street in front. | |
7. | Far North Eruv | 7239 Rustic Valley Dr. 75248 | Plum: SW corner of front yard Apple : Center of LHS Front Yard Peach: Front Left (West side) of Home – side yard Plum: Left (West Side) of home, 3rd Tree from front of side yard Note: The Apple tree, Left of home (West Side) , 2nd tree blossoms beautifully but does not bear fruit |