City of Dallas COVID-19 Update: April 20
Dear City of Dallas Partner —
Below are the latest updates from the City of Dallas on our COVID-19 response and some important information you are encouraged to share:
Confirmed Positive Cases of COVID-19 in North Texas
- 2,512 in Dallas County (84 are new) & 60 deaths (recovery numbers unknown)
- 1,249 in Tarrant County (7 are new) & 39 deaths (208 recovered)
- 598 in Denton County (5 are new) & 17 deaths (249 recovered)
- 544 in Collin County (17 are new) & 13 deaths (331 recovered)
- 111 in Ellis County (10 are new) & 4 deaths (23 recovered)
- 47 in Rockwall County (3 are new) (recovery numbers unknown)
- 44 in Kaufman County (2 are new) (recovery numbers unknown)
Hospital Reports
Here are the bed and ventilator capacity statistics as reported by 25 hospitals in the City of Dallas:
- Total beds: 5,711
- Beds occupied: 2,962 (52%)
- Total ICU beds: 827
- ICU beds occupied: 501 (61%)
- Total ventilators: 942
- Ventilators in use: 298 (32%)
COVID-19 Lab Reports
As of 5:00 p.m. the City of Dallas Office of Emergency Management received COVID-19 testing reports from six labs. Below are the numbers for today, Monday, April 20, 2020:
240 COVID-19 tests |
37 positive |
202 negative |
Testing numbers from labs to date
Total tests to date by Dallas County Health and Human Services | 1,468 |
Total tests to date private labs* | 9,757 |
Total negative tests to date* | 9,368 |
Total active cases | 2,512 |
Total deaths | 60 |
*Numbers since March 13, 2020, the date the order requiring public and private labs in Dallas to report their COVID-19 tests went into effect
Community-Based Testing Sites
The numbers reported from the two community-based testing sites for April 19 are as follows:
American Airlines Center | Ellis Davis Field House |
Total number of visitors: 106 | Total number of visitors: 110 |
Total tested: 105 | Total tested: 106 |
311 COVID-19 Call and Service Report (SR) Data
Data Set | Value | Notes |
New 311 COVID-19 Calls Received Today | 54 | |
Total 311 COVID-19 Calls Received to Date | 4,026 | Since March 13, 2020 |
New Emergency Regulations SRs Received Today (General) | 506 | |
Total Emergency Regulations SRs Received to Date (General) | 15,503 | Since March 17, 2020 |
New Emergency Regulations SRs Received Today (Parks only) | 4 | |
Total Emergency Regulations SRs Received to Date (Parks only) | 422 | Since March 20, 2020 |
City Operations
- The COVID-19 Community-Based Testing Sites have expanded their testing criteria once again to allow testing for more people. Criteria now includes no symptoms required for first responders, DART drivers, healthcare workers, grocery store and essential retail store workers beginning April 20.
- Graphics are available with the new testing criteria for you to share: English and Spanish.
- The COVID-19 Community-Based Testing Sites are collecting race/ethnicity data of those tested. This is the breakdown of both sites for April 15 to April 18.
- Dallas Park and Recreation has created alphabetical guidelines to ease congestion on the Katy Trail. Starting Thursday access to the Katy Trail Thursday through Sunday, will depend on your last name. Visitors with last names starting with A-L are asked to use the Katy Trail only on Thursday and Saturday. Last names starting with M-Z are asked to use the trail Friday and Sunday.
- The City’s current COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated with a “refresh” tomorrow. In addition to the current statistics, data points on emergency regulations, hospital capacity, lab tests, etc. will now be incorporated into the dashboard for you to review at your convenience. Each tab in the Dashboard will allow you to filter by date. Social media collateral will be provided to you in tomorrow’s update.
- The Office of Homeless Solutions (OHS) continues their operations of a temporary, overnight shelter at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center (KBHCC). Last night the KBHCC housed 334 overnight guests.
- OHS is also utilizing hotel rooms to house persons in need of quarantine or persons on the “priority housing” list. Last night 103 people received shelter at local hotels.
- The privately-operated shelter, Dallas Life, has had at least 41 confirmed COVID-19 cases. The shelter has closed and plans to re-open after a thorough cleaning of their facility. Their 164 guests remain at a local hotel provided by the Office of Homeless Solutions (OHS). There have been no positive cases of COVID-19 at the City operated shelter.
- These are the latest stay-at-home frequently asked questions (FAQ) documents produced by the City in English and Spanish.
- I received word from Walgreens today that a new 15-minute drive-thru COVID-19 testing site that will be located at 2060 S. Buckner Blvd., Dallas, TX 75217 will go live this Friday. I will share more details as soon as they become available.
Updates from Dallas County
- Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) reported 84 additional positive cases of COVID-19, bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 2,512.
- Of cases requiring hospitalization, most have been either over 60 years of age or have had at least one known high-risk chronic health condition.
- Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
- Of the 60 total deaths reported to date, over a third (38%) have been associated with long-term care facilities.
- The numbers are lower than the past few days but the county is stating this is because some private labs are closed on Sunday.
- Dallas County has reported at least two recovered COVID-19 cases, however the exact number of patients who have been released from area hospitals to continue their recovery at home is not available at this time.
Updates from Collin County
- There are 17 new cases (net) of COVID-19 in Collin County today, as of 4: p.m.
- There are 200 current cases of COVID-19 in Collin County (total cases minus recovered and deceased).
- There have been 544 total confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Collin County.
- 331 people have successfully recovered; 15 are hospitalized; 185 remain in home isolation.
- There have been 13 confirmed deaths associated with COVID-19 in Collin County.
- There have been 3,466 negative COVID-19 tests in Collin County.
- There are 1,076 Persons Under Monitoring (PUM) in Collin County.
Updates from Denton County
- Denton County Public Health (DCPH) has announced one additional Denton County resident has died as a result of COVID-19, bringing the total to 17 deaths due to COVID-19 in Denton County. The patient, a male resident of Dallas in his 70s, was a hospitalized, local transmission COVID-19 case in Denton County.
- DCPH is also announcing 5 new laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Denton County. This increases the cumulative, countywide total to 598 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 249 of those now recovered.
- The laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 Denton State Supported Living Center (DSSLC) resident total remains 54. The cumulative, countywide long-term care facility (LTCF) resident total remains 17. Staff who test positive for COVID-19 from DSSLC and over 100 LTCFs in Denton County are included within the totals for the town, city, unincorporated area, and/or county in which the staff person resides.
- Visit for local COVID-19 data including interactive heat maps, charts, and city and zip code data. Visit for COVID-19 health and safety information.
Dallas Resident Resource Guides
There are a number of resources available to residents and businesses impacted by the emergency regulations that have been put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. The City of Dallas has created a Resident Resource Guide with information on:
- Rental assistance;
- Filing for unemployment;
- Connecting displaced workers to jobs;
- Food assistance;
- Help paying utilities (note: most utility disconnections have been halted during this time);
- Mental health resources;
- Business loan information; and
- Other key resources.
The guide has been updated and is available in both English and Spanish:
Dallas Regional Chamber Resources
The Dallas Regional Chamber has set up a site for additional resources for residents and businesses, including information on various state and federal programs. Check out their resource guide here and their site to connect displaced workers to employment opportunities during the pandemic here.
United Way Resource Guides
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas has put together a list of resources available to Dallas area residents in English and Spanish. Resources include the North Texas Food Bank’s open food pantries, tax filing information, and job opportunities.
Senior Source Resources
This is the link to the Senior Source’s COVID-19 resource guide. The guide includes information for seniors, including information on specific grocery store hours dedicated to seniors, and guidance for those who are caring for seniors during the pandemic.
If you have more questions about COVID-19, including what you should do if you believe you might have the virus, check out the City’s web page,
Please share this update. The official page to sign up to receive this newsletter is here.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reply to this email or call my office at (214) 670-3301.
Eric Johnson
City of Dallas
[email protected]
(214) 670-3301