Dallas Kosher Chili Cook-Off
March 15, 2020, 11 AM – 4 PM. Hosted by Tiferet Israel, 10909 Hillcrest Road, Dallas 75230. Hillcrest & Royal
Free Parking at the JCC. Ride the Bus to Tiferet.
Chili Tasting, Kosher Food Court, Children’s Carnival Area, Raffles, Vendors, Live Music and Lots More.
Drug Take Back Program will be accepting expired, unused and unwanted medications (Human & Animal).
Entry Fee: Adults $12 / Kids 10 & under $6 (Includes FREE Hot Dog). Kids 3 & under FREE.
Call for information: 214-691-3611 or [email protected]
Interested in signing up as a team, sponsor or volunteer? Visit www.kosherchilicookoff.us