DATA Rosh HaKollel to Receive the Prestigious Rebbetzin Ella & Rabbi Aaron Solovichik Ben Zakkai Award
DATA is proud to share that our Rosh HaKollel /Dean, Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried, will be the recipient of the prestigious Rebbetzin Ella and Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik Ben Zakkai Award of the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY).
This most prestigious award is in recognition of Rabbi Fried for pioneering and overseeing a rabbinical ordination (semicha) program for NCSY directors throughout North and South America and Israel.
The Ben Zakkai Society is known as NCSY’s “Hall of Fame”, and was selected by thousands of international delegates to confer this award upon Rabbi Fried.
The 25th Annual Ben Zakkai Honor Society Scholarship Reception honoring ( Isabelle Novak, Rabbi Daniel and Leah Feldman and) Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried will be available to view live on Zoom, Wednesday, June 9th 6:15PM ET, (5:15 Dallas time)
Please join online in honoring Rabbi Fried!
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Fried on a very well deserved honor. Dallas has much pride in its Rosh Kollel.