Drive-By Vort for Leah & Rafi
Drive-By Vort for Leah & Rafi, Monday, July 6, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
The Street in front of the Broodo’s House, 6047 Preston Crest Lane.
We feel so excited and grateful to Hashem to announce the engagement of our children
Leah Esther to Rafi. We so wish that we could invite you to a proper vort. Even though it will be drive by, covid style, it will enhance our simcha tremendously to see you there.
(If you want to, bring an index card with your best marriage advice, a favorite recipe, or your bracha for our new couple).
We hope to share in many more simchas together and all in good health.
Beth & Chaim, Joan & Michael
Please wear masks, stay in your cars, and social distance to keep our community safe. Also, if you have a fever, you can send a text and stay at home and heal up.
We are so excited to see the community and to wish everyone a Mazal Tov. We just need everyone to stay healthy and well.
We have small gifts to give out to each visitor and we will do that carefully.