Every STUdent Empowered: Torah U’Mesorah Chinuch Tuesday 36-Hour $6 Million Campaign
Torah U’Mesorah is responsible for every Orthodox Jewish school in Dallas,
starting with Akiba in the 1960s, and through this month in their support of
TDSD and Mesorah High School for Girls.
Please help support this vital educational institution – Torah U’Mesorah.
Every STUdent Empowered
Everyone has heard of Torah Umesorah. Everyone knows Torah Umesorah exists to support and advance our children’s chinuch. But do we realize just how much Torah Umesorah really does for our schools, our teachers, our school leaders, and our children, day in and day out?
Torah Umesorah is the one organization that exists, lives, and breathes to uphold, strengthen, and perpetuate our Torah and our Mesorah. Let’s take a closer look at some of their indispensable work on behalf of our most precious assets – our children.
Not every student sees instant success in the classroom, and some struggle to keep up. The Diverse Learners Initiative (DLI) seeks to ensure that each child in the mainstream classroom succeeds and feels that they are a valuable part of their class.
A specially trained staff member serves as the school learning specialist, collaborating with all the people in the child’s life who impact his/her success. The Specialist creates and oversees a customized learning plan to ensure the child’s success.
Fifteen recently created Limudei Kodesh curricula offer an immersive learning experience for some 100,000 students in yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs and day schools across the country. Some of them are: Namtik Sod (personal development), The Davening Diary, Shemoneh Esrei Curriculum, Bei’ur Tefillah, Shmittah Programs, Bitachon Bits, and Erev Shabbos.
Aliyah B’tfillah is a new initiative aimed at enhancing the tefillos of students across the country. Aliya B’tfillah will make a real difference for our children, by building a more personal connection to tefillah.
These are just a few of the many programs and initiatives offered by Torah Umesorah to enhance and bolster our children’s education. On Tuesday, November 15th, IT’S YOUR TURN. Torah Umesorah will launch Chinuch TUesday on to raise $6 million in the span of 36 hours to continue and to expand its vitally important work.
Year round, Torah Umesorah is there for each and every one of us, for our schools, teachers, leaders, and, most of all, for our children.
Tomorrow starting at 10 am Torah Umesorah is raising $6 million in 36 hours to continue providing its plethora of programs, services, and initiatives to schools, teachers, principals, and students. Every dollar raised will be doubled by generous matchers, so the impact of your donation is doubled.
So get ready. Get ready to give. Get ready to spread the word. Get ready to help Torah Umesorah and our children. Tomorrow IS CHINUCH TUESDAY. Tomorrow, IT’S YOUR TURN.