Fulfill your Matanot L’Evyonim by sending cards and/or e-cards from Yad Eliezer
Fulfill your Matanot L’Evyonim by sending cards and/or e-cards.
The Tzedaka that you send will be used to feed thousands of children, families, adults and the elderly in Israel.
The cards can be purchased from Chayamiriam or from the Yad Eliezer website
Choose from 6: They are $3/ea, 10 for $25, 50 for $108 (includes envelopes)
The e-cards can only be purchased from Chayamiriam. Choose from 12: They are $54/ea. Yours to send to an unlimited number of recipients.
These are the cards and here is a link to the Purim card page.

For pictures of the e-cards, contact Chayamiriam at [email protected]. If you would like to donate for Matanot Le’evyonim, click here.