Halacha Headlines: Whom Should You Marry?

How Makpid should we be on names in marriage (father in law and son in law with the same names etc)?
Can younger siblings get married before older siblings?
Marrying for money?
How important is the family (if there’s a sibling off the derech etc)?
Marrying into a family of Baalei Teshuvos?
Health in the family, what do you have to divulge?
How should people be dating?
What common mistakes are they making?
How do you know if you are getting bad advice?
with Rabbi Yaakov Berman – Rov Khal Beis Tefillah Lakewood, Av Beis Din Machon L’Gittin – 16:47
with Mrs. Bella Beer – Dating coach – 46:45
with Rabbi Dr. Jack Cohen – International dating coach – 1:05:35