Harav Chaim Kanievsky is Fearful of the Decline in Limud H’Torah: “The Chovas Ha’shaah (Obligation) is to Increase Limud Torah”
Harav Chaim Kanievsky is Fearful of the Decline in Limud H’Torah: “The Chovas Ha’shaah (Obligation) is to Increase Limud Torah”
Rav Yisrael Meir Druk, a talmid muvhak of Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, told a number of Rabbanim that increasing limud Torah (Torah study) is obligatory during these times.

“[Harav Chaim] has been repeating the same message,” Rav Druk said. “I heard from him in a very strong way, stronger than usual, that there is a “chovas ha’shaah” of chizuk in limud ha’Torah. [HaRav Chaim] is mamash afraid of the decrease in Torah.”
“[Harav Chaim] said that there’s a greater danger in the lack of Torah than the coronavirus itself.”
“Every ben bayis who has a son[s] should try to increase their Torah learning,” added Rav Druck in the name of Harav Chaim. “As long we strengthen ourselves in limud Torah, it will lead to the end of the [coronavirus],” Rav Druck said.
“[Harav Chaim] repeated this many times that the chovas ha’shaah is be oisek b’Torah as much as possible.”