Help Support a Beloved Rebbi: Rabbi Binyomin Stolov

Dear Friends and Members of the Dallas Jewish Community,
This letter is being written regarding the unfortunate situation of our dear friend and teacher of our children for the past 3 decades, Rabbi Binyomin Stolov.
Rabbi Stolov, who has been a dearly beloved and respected teacher in Akiba Academy and Torah Day School of Dallas for nearly 30 years, has unfortunately been stricken by a very debilitating medical condition which has made it impossible to continue his teaching, much to his chagrin and painful to us all.
Sadly, needless to say, this has created a very difficult financial situation for his wife and children.
As an individual and a family, the Stolovs have given so much of themselves to our community for such a significant amount of time, the Rabbi dedicating the best years of his life for the betterment of our children. Many of those children are today young leaders in our community. For such an outstanding individual and family, it is certainly incumbent upon us, the Dallas Jewish Community, to give back to the Stolovs and ensure they remain with their dignity and financial stability.
To that end, a special account has been created at Torah Day School. A mitzvah such as this one is certainly a wonderful way to show Hakoras HaTov.
May all who give generously be blessed to always be on the giving end, and may the Stolov family and all of our community receive the peace and tranquility they deserve throughout this year and beyond.
Respectfully yours,
Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum, Rav of Congregation of Ohr HaTorah Dallas
Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried, Rosh HaKollel, DATA and Rav of Mikvah Israel of Dallas
Rabbi Avi Pekier, Headmaster of Torah Day School of Dallas
Rabbi Yaakov Rich, Rav of Congregation Toras Chaim
Rabbi Aryeh Rodin, Rav of Congregation Ohev Shalom