In the Spirit of Jewish Community Unity, JLC & CTC Are Teaming Up for Tisha B’Av 5780
Wednesday Night, July 29th CTC will join at Jewish Learning Center, 7130 Campbell Rd #204, Dallas, TX 75248
- Fast Begins – 8:28 PM
- Maariv / Reading of Eichah / Reading of Kinnos with explanations – 9:05 PM
Thursday, July 30th JLC will join at Congregation Toras Chaim, 7103 Mumford Ct., Dallas, TX 75252
- Shacharis (Tallis and Tefillin are not worn) – 8:00 AM
- The Kinnos: A Zoom Experience with the Rabbis of Dallas. All Orthodox Congregations Join Here. Thursday, July 30, 10 AM.
Download a copy of the Kinnos for your use at home. Click here.
Click the poster below to be taken to the Zoom Kinnos (Begins 10 AM)
- Chatzos (Midday): 1:33 PM
- Mincha (Tallis and Tefillin are worn): 7:55 PM at CTC, 7103 Mumford Ct., Dallas, TX 75252
- Maariv: 8:55 PM
- Fast Ends: 9:07 PM
Observances of Tisha B’Av
Eating and Drinking
- All eating and drinking is forbidden. This includes rinsing the mouth and brushing teeth, except in a case of great distress.
- Swallowing capsules or bitter tablets or liquid medicine without water is permitted.
- The ill or elderly as well as pregnant and nursing women should speak with a rabbi concerning the requirements of fasting.
- Boys under thirteen years old and girls under twelve years old are not allowed to fast even part of the day.
- Those not required to fast should eat only what is needed to preserve their health.
Bathing and Washing
- All bathing for pleasure is prohibited even in cold water including the hands, face and feet. Ritual washing upon waking, after using the bathroom, touching covered parts of the body or before praying is permitted, but only up to the knuckles. One may wash dirty or sullied portions of the body (including cleaning the eyes of glutinous material), and if necessary may use soap or warm water to remove the dirt or odor. Washing for cooking or for medical reasons is permitted. A woman may not immerse on Tisha B’Av since relations are prohibited. Washing to commence the clean days is permitted.
- Anointing for pleasure is prohibited including oil, soap, alcohol, cream, ointment, perfume, etc.
- Anointing for medical reasons is permitted, as well as using deodorant to remove bad odor.
Marital Relations
- Since cohabitation is prohibited, a husband and wife should not come in contact during the night of Tisha B’Av.
Wearing Leather Shoes
- Even shoes made partially of leather are prohibited.
- Shoes made of cloth, rubber or plastic are permitted.
- Wearing leather shoes is permitted for medical reasons.
Learning Torah
- Since the heart rejoices in the study of Torah, it is prohibited to learn topics other than those relevant to Tisha B’Av or mourning.
- One may learn: Lamentations with its midrash and commentaries, portions of the Prophets that deal with tragedy or destruction, the third chapter of Moed Katan (which deals with mourning), the story of the destruction (in Gittin 56b-58a, Sanhedrin 104, and in Josephus), and the halachos of Tisha B’Av and mourning.
Additional Restrictions
- One should deprive himself of some comfort in sleep. Some reduce the number of pillows, some sleep on the floor.
- Pregnant women, the elderly and the ill are exempt. Sitting on a normal chair is forbidden until midday.
- One may sit on a low bench or chair, or on a cushion on the floor.
- Greeting someone with “good morning” and the like is prohibited. One who is greeted should answer softly and, if possible, inform the person of the prohibition.
- One should not give a gift except to the needy.
- Things that divert one from mourning such as idle talk, reading the newspaper, taking a walk for pleasure, etc. are prohibited.
- Smoking is prohibited until afternoon, and then only for one who is compelled to and in private.
- The custom is to refrain until midday from any time-consuming work that diverts one from mourning. In a case of financial loss, consult the rabbi.
- Ashkenazim do not wear tefillin at Shacharis, nor is a blessing made on tzitzis. At Mincha, tefillin is worn and those who wear a tallis gadol make the blessing then.
- At Mincha, the prayers Nacheim and Aneinu are added to the Shmonah Esrei during the blessing “Veliyerushalayim” and “Shema Koleinu” respectively. “Sim Shalom” is said in place of “Shalom Rav.” If one forgot them and completed that bracha, he need not repeat the prayer.
- The custom is to sanctify the new moon the night after Tisha B’Av, preferably after having eaten something.
Restrictions on Motzaei Tisha B’Av (When Tisha B’Av falls on Thursday and the 10th of Av is Friday)
- Meat and wine are still forbidden until after midday on the 10th of Av
- The prohibition of showering and bathing and taking a haircut is lifted immediately after Tisha B’Av for the sake of preparing for Shabbos.
- The prohibition to launder garments, and we wear freshly laundered clothing (for the sake of preparing for Shabbos) is lifted immediately after Tisha B’Av.
- The prohibition to launder garments, and we wear freshly laundered clothing (not for the sake of preparing for Shabbos) remain in effect until after midday on the tenth of Av.