Just Released: “Only With Joy – The Life and Legacy of Rav Meir Shapiro” (Entire Documentary Free!)

Just released: From Better World Productions – “Only With Joy – The Life and Legacy of Rav Meir Shapiro” – made available free of charge, just in time for Chol Hamoed!
A fascinating feature-length documentary on the legendary Rabbi Meir Shapiro, who, in an effort to unify Klal Yisroel, introduced the world to Daf Yomi, and was instrumental in shaping Torah education as we know it today. Discover the full story of what this beloved Gadol accomplished and the many obstacles he overcame during his tragically brief but inspiring life.
Produced and Directed by David Lenik and Menachem Daum
Executive Producer: Dr. Yossi Geliebter
Dedicated in memory of Rabbi Michoel Tenenbaum, z”l by Motel Tenenbaum and family
Presented by: The Rabbi Leib Geliebter Memorial Foundation
Recommended for adults and teens. 65 minutes
Link to film: