Kosher for Pesach
Stay informed of all the new and upcoming Kosher for Pesach resources for the kosher consumer in Dallas, Texas. Kosher for Pesach page
We are compiling a full list, so check back here often for updates and additions.
Stay informed of all the new and upcoming Kosher for Pesach resources for the kosher consumer in Dallas, Texas. Kosher for Pesach page
We are compiling a full list, so check back here often for updates and additions.
Our Condolences to Yosef Kaufman on the loss of his father, Brent…
[Dallas Kosher Month is canceled due to COVID-19] Dallas Kosher, in partnership…
Dear Rabbi Fried, Every year, since I was in Sunday religious school,…
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Bentzi & Batya Epstein on the engagement of… is proud to publish a new series entitled “In Our Midst”…