Lose for Hope

A first-of-its-kind weight-loss challenge where each individual will strive to meet a healthy and responsible personalized weight-loss goal.
Every participant will receive a free, personal consultation with internationally recognized Nutritionist Eli Glaser of the Soveya Weight-Loss Solution, to determine their ideal goal along with a customized food plan.
A multi-media support video and detailed guideline sheets for both weekday and Shabbos will accompany the food plan in addition to complimentary e-versions of Eli’s new critically-acclaimed book, Enough is Enough, as well as Soveya’s highly popular cookbook, No Sugar, No Flour, No Fuss.
Everyone who meets their individual weight-loss goal at the end of the 10 weeks will be entered into a raffle giveaway that will distribute the prize money amongst multiple, randomly-selected contestants. There will also be several personal trainers available to support the participants in helping them maximize their success
This program is for Men and Women from the safety of your quarantined home.
There will be a raffle giveaway for those who achieved their goal.
5 winners (minimum $1,000 each). As more join, so will the prize.
There will be multiple personal trainers and nutritionists supporting this program to help everyone achieve their goals.
In order to join the campaign you will commit to raising a certain amount of money that will go to benefit the Hope Organization to be able to continue helping those families that find themselves in a financial stress due to a crisis.
Their are 4 tiers of raising funds:
Silver: $720
Gold: $1,800
Platinum: $3,600
Diamond: $5,400
The more you commit to, the more resources you will receive from the program.
Register by filling out the form.
The platform of raising your goal will begin May 24th.
Program will be beginning June 14th extended date starting July 3rd to start losing weight(its a 10 week program)
For more specific details reach out to the Campaign Coordinator:
Yehuda Susskind
[email protected]