Make Your Voice Heard! Who Will Control Your Child’s Chinuch?
This campaign is relevant for all of us in Dallas, Texas and beyond. We can help. We must help. The collective future of Klal Yisroel depends on it. Please watch the video and click the button to submit your letter. You need not live in New York State to make your voice heard.
The NYS Education Department recently released new, proposed Substantial Equivalency Regulations for nonpublic schools. These regulations can give unprecedented authority over the Yeshivos to the local public-school districts, and the curricular requirements can present a serious challenge to the ability of many Yeshivos to be mechanech our children according to our mesorah.
We have until May 30 to express our objections to these regulations before the Board of Regents votes on it in September and the regulations go into effect!
We already have close to 140,000 comments. We need 200,000. May 30 is the deadline. Your voice is critical to our collective success. Please click the Submit Your Letter button below and Make Your Voice Heard!
If you are concerned that these regulations pose a challenge, in a way not seen in the United States, to the autonomy of parents to be mechanech their children
If you are okay with all these mandates today, but are concerned about what may be required tomorrow, once government has this control of Yeshivos
Ensure that your spouse, children, friends, and relatives comment as well! An original, respectful letter is best, but form letters are also helpful. Comments can also be submitted by email to [email protected], Include your full name, address, and email address in any communication.
Internet access not required. Text START to 888.595.1529.
Let’s remember that members of the Board of Regents are appointed by YOUR representatives in the New York State legislature. Their work is supposed to reflect the will of the people, and as a citizen of the State of New York, and as a concerned stakeholder, YOU have a right and obligation to make your voice heard.
The last proposed regulations generated 140,000 comments, nearly all in opposition. This resulted in a deferral of the regulations for years, and several positive changes to the regulations. However, the danger to Yeshivos remains. So, whether you are a yeshiva parent, student, graduate, educator, or community member.