Mazel Tov to Nati & Shani Zarum

Mazel Tov to Nati & Shani Zarum on the birth of a daughter.
On behalf of the entire community, may the proud parents merit raising their daughter to a life of Torah, marriage, and good deeds.
Mazel Tov to Nati & Shani Zarum on the birth of a daughter.
On behalf of the entire community, may the proud parents merit raising their daughter to a life of Torah, marriage, and good deeds.
Marcey SilberTexas Regional Development [email protected] – 945.246.0483 Friends of United Hatzalah442 5th Avenue…
Learn at least 5 straight minutes of Mussar every day, beginning August 28th.
Mazel Tov to Avi and Tobi Rothschild on their daughter’s birth, and to grandparents Richard & Shelley Glazer.
Mazel Tov to Chaim & Beth Broodo on the birth of their…
This Shabbos at Shaare Tefilla: Yossi Landau of ZAKA