Message from the Wolk Family
Dear Friends,
We are all still in shock from the sudden passing of our beloved wife and matriarch. During shiva and every day since, we have been overwhelmed by the love from people across the world. This is a testament to the tremendous impact that she had on so many.
We have received texts, emails, and messages on various platforms that depict a particular story or lasting impression. In order to organize these sentiments, please fill out this form, even if you have already sent us your message.
Additionally, if you have any pictures or videos of our Annette, please send them to [email protected].
We appreciate your participation in this project. It will help our family in this time of sorrow.
Thank you.
The Wolk Family
It is to my deep sadness that I did not know Annette. My husband and I have known Rabbi Wolk going back to perhaps 1985 or so. At that time the Rabbi was helping to establish Shari Tefilah and my late husband, Dr. Bernard Kornell, was setting up his medical practice.
I don’t remember from where we got a fax machine but we looked at one another and said, what are we going to do with a fax machine? Now, I don’t remember how we knew Rabbi Wolk, maybe we were taking a class with him. So we decided that the Shul might be able to use it. Rabbi Wolk was very happy with the fax machine.
There was something else that had a similar circumstance although I can’t remember what that was.
I can’t say that we were at all close with the Rabbi, a nodding friendship but I followed his career. I was sad when the family left Dallas and happy when they came back.
My proudest moment for Rabbi Wolk was when I read in the Texas Jewish Post that he had been “rehired” by Shari as the Senior Rabbi. ( Forgive me if I have the position wrong.)
Of course when I read that Annette had passed I was shocked and had to make a Shiva call. No words can express sadness for the family or the Rabbi. My husband passed away just this past November. When I speak about it I kind of do it jokingly, which I’m sure people don’t understand, but you have to know me. Everyone has their own way of dealing with loss, publicly and privately.
I send the Wolk family all of my love.
Bev. Kornell