UPDATED SHIVA INFO: Our Deepest Condolences to Chaim Broodo, Charlene Nathan, Mary Sinclair and Jack Broodo
Our Deepest Condolences to Chaim Broodo, Charlene Nathan, Mary Sinclair and Jack Broodo on the loss of their mother, Dorothy Broodo (Devora Yechet Bas Yeshia, a”h).
The levaya will take place on Thursday at 2:00 PM, Sparkman Hillcrest Chapel. Shiva details to follow.
Shiva Schedule:
Shiva will be at the Broodo home: 6047 Preston Crest Lane, Dallas 75230
Thursday Mincha/Maariv: 8:15 PM. Visiting Times: After funeral until 9:30 PM.
Friday Shacharis: 6:40 AM. Visiting Times: After Shacharis until 1:00 PM.
Sunday Shacharis: 8:00 AM. Mincha/Maariv: 8:15 PM. Visiting Times: After Shacharis until 1:00 PM. Then 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Monday and Tuesday Shacharis: 6:40 AM. Mincha/Maariv: 8:15 PM. Visiting Times: After Shacharis until 1:00 PM. Then 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
Wednesday Shacharis: 6:40 AM. Then Shiva ends.
May the Omnipresent comfort Chaim, Charlene, Mary and Jack among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.