Our Deepest Condolences to David & Barbara Radunsky

Our Deepest Condolences to David & Barbara Radunsky, Jay & Emily Prengler and Alex Radunsky on the loss of their son and brother, Asher Radunsky, a”h.
Funeral Information
The funeral will take place on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 1 PM in the Sparkman Hillcrest Chapel, followed by burial in the Garden of David section of the Sparkman Hillcrest Cemetery.
Shiva Information
Shiva will be observed at the Radunsky residence, 12015 Excelsior Way, through Tuesday, June 14, 2022.
Visiting hours are from 2-4 PM and 7-9:30 PM. On Friday, June 10, hours will be from 2-4 PM.
Thursday-Friday, June 9-10 and Monday-Tuesday, June 13-14- 6:40 AM; Sunday, June 12- 8:00 AM
(There will be a concurrent Shacharit minyan at Shaare Tefilla)
Wednesday-Thursday, June 8-9- 8:15 PM; Sunday-Monday, June 12-13- 8:20 PM
(Mincha/Maariv will not meet at Shaare Tefilla during these times)
May the Omnipresent comfort the entire Radunsky family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.