Our Deepest Condolences to Lisa Rothstein on the Passing of Her Father
Our deepest condolences to Lisa Rothstein on the passing of her father, Dr. Stephen Eisenstein (Yisroel Ezra ben Peretz), a”h. Funeral will take place 3 PM Wednesday in Houston. Family only.
Update Shiva Information Below:
Zoom ID: 236 996 3793
Password: steve
Today-Wednesday – 9 PM to 10 PM | Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday – 10:30 AM – Noon and 5:30 PM-7 PM
May the Omnipresent comfort Lisa and her family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
To the Rothstein family: Our deepest condolences, may you be comforted among the other mourners in Zion, and Jerusalem.
Lori and Ken Jarmel