Our Deepest Condolences to Sandy Mandelbaum, Carol, Michael, Susan, & Family
Our deepest condolences to Sandy Mandelbaum, Carol, Michael, Susan, & Family on the passing of Sam Mandelbaum, a”h.
Funeral: The funeral is scheduled for this coming Thursday, April 29th, 11 AM, at Restland Cemetery, 13005 Greenville Avenue, Mt Zion Cemetery.
Shiva Visitation Schedule: 6816 McCallum Boulevard: Thursday 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM; Friday 10:00 AM -12 PM; Motzai Shabbos 9:45 PM – 11 PM; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 10 AM – 12 PM; 2 PM – 4 PM; 8 PM – 10 PM.
May the Omnipresent comfort Sandy, Carol, Michael, Susan, & Family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.