Content CreatorsHome / Content Creators Table of ContentsRabbi Yaakov Rich, General EditorRabbi Yerachmiel D. Fried, DATA Rosh HaKollel, Special Contributor: "Ask the Rabbi" and much moreMarshall Lestz, Special Contributor: "Rebuilder" SeriesRabbi Moshe Segal, DATA of Richardson, Special Contributor: "The Thinking Jew" PodcastDonald Zev Uslan, MA, MBA, LMHC, NCC, CRCChaya Nessa Krycer, Special Contributor Rabbi Yaakov Rich, General EditorBorn and raised in Toronto, Canada, Rabbi Yaakov Rich earned a BA in economics from York University. His Torah studies include Yeshivas Ohr Somayach in Monsey and Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore. Rabbi Rich received rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Avrohom Pam, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah V’Das. Over the past 30+ years, he has taught, lectured and written on a wide range of Torah topics including Chumash with commentaries (Bible studies), halacha (Jewish law), hashkafa (Jewish philosophy and outlook), and Gemara (Talmud study) reaching learners of all ages. Each of his explorations into any Torah topic brings a clear, practical message which his students find relevant and meaningful on a personal level. Rabbi Yerachmiel D. Fried, DATA Rosh HaKollel, Special Contributor: “Ask the Rabbi” and much moreRabbi Yerachmiel D. Fried received his rabbinical ordination and training from leading institutions in Israel, most prominently from the noted Torah leader of our generation, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, ob”m.Rabbi Fried grew up less connected to his roots and became inspired to pursue the richness of Jewish heritage and Torah observance by NCSY and others. His life’s work of bringing others closer to authentic Judaism was ignited and fueled by his past – and the meaning he found as he continued to develop his scholarship in Torah.In addition to heading the post-graduate rabbinical studies, Rabbi Fried is also the Rav of Mikvah Israel of Dallas and leads the Dallas Conversion Court. Nationally, though, he oversees the rabbinical ordination program for the Orthodox Union, guiding the studies of NCSY youth directors in cities throughout North and South America. Marshall Lestz, Special Contributor: “Rebuilder” SeriesMarshall has been a writer in the advertising industry for many years, but likes best to apply his creativity to helping people build themselves, their personal relationships, and their relationship with Hashem. His “Rebuilder” messages often take a lighthearted, out of the box approach to encourage and inspire readers to continue growing into the most remarkable people they can become. Rabbi Moshe Segal, DATA of Richardson, Special Contributor: “The Thinking Jew” PodcastRabbi Moshe Segal joined the DATA team in the summer of 2012. Previously, he and his wife Rivy, were living in Jerusalem where Moshe received his rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, the Chief of the Rabbinical Courts. Moshe has a great love of learning Torah and truly enjoys sharing it with others. He specifically enjoys Jewish medical ethics and gives monthly classes to doctors on the most modern of today’s bio-ethical dilemmas. The Segals have three children; Avi, Chaim and Esther. Donald Zev Uslan, MA, MBA, LMHC, NCC, CRCDonald Zev Uslan, MA, MBA, LMHC, NCC, CRC is a medical and rehabilitation psychotherapist from the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, now living in Jerusalem. His specialty over a 45-year career has been working with individuals and groups with complex chronic illnesses, most of whom had been psychologically, physically, or sexually abused in childhood. Chaya Nessa Krycer, Special ContributorChaya Nessa Krycer is an energetic teenaged girl. She has spent the majority of her life in Dallas, and for the past few years has been attending Mesorah High School for Girls. Her hobbies include dancing, playing the piano and guitar, and eating chocolate. She also likes ice cream and steak, but not together. Chaya Nessa has been writing since she was two years old when she first discovered ballpoint pens. In her early life, her favorite place for writing was on the freshly painted walls of her house. Later, she graduated to paper and now lets all her creativity burst forth on the computer. She has passionate opinions on everything and will do her utmost to brainwash everyone through her hopefully entertaining if not cryptic articles. Please leave this field empty Uniting the Dallas Orthodox Jewish Community We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.