Rebuilder Series: Word of the Day – Reconsillyation. By Marshall Lestz
Rebuilder Series: Word of the Day – Reconsillyation
Good Morning Everybody, Shavua Tov,
Today’s word of the day is RECONSILLYATION:
RECONSILLYATION: restoring peaceful relations with someone after you realize that you were just being silly.
Thank G-d, with time comes perspective. What we once thought was a big deal, was actually quite trivial… and we now realize, “Yeah, okay, I got a little carried away.” And even if after time passes, we still believe that the other person was completely in the wrong, having a wider perspective enables us to understand that it’s still silly to bear a grudge because it’s just not worth it. It could threaten the welfare of our relationship.
So, if the passage of time helps us gain perspective, might there be a way to shorten that passage of time so we can restore peace more quickly?
Absolutely! I believe the answer is by valuing our relationships more than our need to be right… By valuing shalom more than our need to be right… And by valuing the mitzvos of judging favorably, not bearing a grudge, not hating in our hearts, loving our fellow Jews, and emulating Hashem– more than our need to be right.
The more we truly value these spiritual principles, the less time is needed to gain perspective. Because the more Hashem is in the equation, the less our egos are.
One day we might even be able reach a level that we don’t hold on to hard feelings at all. Can you imagine how incredible that would be?!… Of course, that will take a lot of effort and humility on our part, but I’m sure we’d all agree– it would be silly not to try.
Have a big perspective, reconsilly-atory kind of day everybody,
Keep on Building!