Rebuilding Series: Identity Theft. By Marshall Lestz
Rebuilding Series: Identity Theft. By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody,
Well, it finally happened. A few weeks ago I had my first experience with identity theft. Someone apparently tried to open a new credit card using my name and bank account. As far as I know they were unsuccessful, thank G-d.
I’d like to share two things that were going through my head when I was handling this ordeal. First, why in the world would anyone steal someone else’s identity? Yes, I know it’s for the money of course, but I mean from a higher perspective…taking a spiritual slant on the matter. How could someone not know how special and unique they already are?! Why try to be someone else? You’re already YOU! Hashem made you an unduplicatable masterpiece! Be YOURSELF, that’s why Hashem made you!
And the second thing rumbling around in my head was actually pretty similar to that first thing, except it had to do with envy. Our tradition teaches us that one of the problems with envying what other people have is that it leaves Hashem out of the picture. If Hashem wanted us to have some other person’s car, house, job, wealth, IQ, status, appearance, personality, or talents… He would’ve given them to us. We can of course aspire and work towards upgrading our lives, but envy shouldn’t be our driving force… that’s like trying to “steal someone else’s identity.” That guy is that guy; Hashem is taking care of him however Hashem sees fit. We’re a whole other entity. There’s no need to “steal” from that other guy’s unique lot in life– Hashem has granted us a different set of gifts, circumstances, challenges and a mission that is perfectly designed for us. We’re here to maximize our OWN identity! Ironically, when we envy what other people have, we minimize what WE have.
From now one, whenever you hear or see the words “identity theft,” let it remind you of the magnificent, unique identity that Hashem has purposely created just for you. And let’s also remember that Hashem blesses us with all the resources we’ll ever need to grow into that one of a kind person He wants us to become.
Have a one-of-a-kind day everybody.
Keep on Building!