Rebuilding Series: Inches From Greatness. By Marshall Lestz
Rebuilding Series: Rebuilding Series: Inches From Greatness. By Marshall Lestz
Good Morning Everybody,
Over the past year, (or perhaps over the past several years), we might’ve noticed that we’ve inched away from being the person we want to be. Perhaps there are some mitzvos that we’ve (unintentionally) distanced ourselves from, and we’re not even sure how it happened. We may think, “I used to be so much more patient.” Or “I used to be less judgmental.” Or “more honest.” Or ,“I used to hardly ever speak lashon hara (gossip) or get jealous. What happened?…”
We may have wonderful growth in some areas, but regressed in others.
A metaphor that might come in handy is a tape measure. Inch by inch we can slowly distance ourselves from where we want to be; we subtly inch away from Hashem. So what do we do? Well, you know how a tape measure has that switch… that thumb lock on the side of the case?… Well, that’s the key. We use that! We flip that lock and hit the brakes so we don’t inch away any further. THEN, how do we return to Hashem and get back on the right track? Do we have to put ourselves in time out for a year or two? Feel incapacitated by guilt? Beat ourselves up?
Thank G-d, NO! We just flip that switch again and go flying back back back back back to where we came from! Right back to Hashem!
Friends, that little switch is in our hearts. We just have to choose to flip it on. We may’ve spent years going in the wrong direction but it doesn’t take years to return! We can do it in an instant. Our yetzer hara wants to fool us into thinking that returning to Hashem is like running a marathon. But Hashem is just inches away. We can return in a second. As it says in the Rosh Hashana davening: “…if a person repents You will accept him immediately (im yashuv miyad tikabilu).”
So yes, life is a game of inches. We inch away from Hashem at times because we’re human. But inching back to Hashem is what makes us great. So let’s flip that switch and unleash our deep seated desire to reconnect with Hashem. For that, is the true measure of greatness.
Have a heartfelt day and a super beautiful Shabbos everybody,
Keep on Building!