RENEWAL Awareness Event at DATA of Plano for the Benefit of Jerry Rodenberg
Dear family and friends,
The life and welfare of our very dear friend Jerry Rodenberg (Data of Plano, TX) hangs in the balance as his family and friends pray that he may receive the ultimate blessing of a live kidney donation before its too late. He is undergoing Dialysis treatments but that is not a long term solution, and the clock is ticking.

Renewal is the preeminent national organization which educates about and facilitates kidney donation. Rabbi Josh Sturm of RENEWAL will be in Plano this Sunday, May 1, 2022 at Data of Plano, 7:00 PM presenting and answering questions about organ donation.
Statistics indicate if you can get at least 200 people to attend and listen to the presented materials, the chances of a successful outcome are very high. Please be one of those who care enough to attend and help in this critical time.
If you are unable to attend in person, please join us on ZOOM. It is also helpful to encourage your friends, family and anyone who you think could help by attending the event.
Renewal had always been a blip on my radar. The ads publicizing the need for a kidney would tug at my heart – each represented someone in need – but I never took action.
A True Story
Five years ago, my opportunity presented itself: an awareness event. I listened to donors’ stories, learned about risks and statistics, and joined the Renewal database. Then… five years of radio silence. Several months ago, I finally got the call: there was a potential match. I refreshed my research, got an enthusiastic go-ahead from my family and Rav, and decided to proceed. To my disappointment, I was not compatible; I resigned myself to another long wait. But two weeks later, Renewal called again: I was successfully matched to a 33-year-old mother of three young children. I felt like I’d won the lottery – a chance to help a young family! There was just one problem. Due to scheduling conflicts, I’d need to undergo surgery by a specific date; if not, we’d have to wait another six months. Hospitals typically do not account for patients’ schedules. With Renewal on my side, the transplant took place three weeks later, on the exact date I’d wanted. In the wee hours of transplant day, I made initial contact with my recipient: heartfelt letters from her and her children (“Now my mother will be healthy for my bar mitzvah”) that filled me with emotion and renewed confidence. It’s been three weeks since surgery and my recipient constantly updates us on her reclaimed life: her food no longer tastes metallic; she has the energy to cook nutritious meals and send her kids off to school. I am back to driving, giving classes, and running programs as a rabbi in Marlboro, NJ. While I felt pain, it was good pain – the pain of saving someone’s life.
Rabbi Moshe Gewirtz
If you have a newsletter or bulletin, inclusion of the enclosed announcement could make all the difference. The stakes could not be higher or the reward greater.
- WHAT: RENEWAL Awareness Event at DATA of Plano for the benefit of Jerry Rodenberg
- WHEN: Sunday, May 1, 2022, 7 PM
- WHERE: DATA of Plano, 3251 Independence Parkway, Plano, Texas 75075 (Located in Lancer Square)
- ZOOM PRESENTATION: Please click the link below to join the webinar:
With most humble respect and appreciation,
Sam Blumen (972) 527-0556
Sam [email protected]
Please watch this amazing short movie about Kidney Kindness.