Save Jewish Lives. Agudah Emergency Ukraine Fund. All Donations Matched 2x
The Gedolei Yisroel are asking each family to give a minimum of $500. We have set up a Team for this fundraiser. Our team goal is now $70,000. To date we have raised 53,306 (Note: the fundraising site is not yet reflecting several Team donations that were doubled). Our family gave the first $500 for the Every donation is being doubled. I am asking each family to please match our gift with one of your own. -- Rabbi Yaakov Rich
Agudah Ukraine Crisis Fund – DOJLife Team
“Our brothers, the entire family of Israel, who are delivered into destress and captivity, whether they are on sea or dry land — may the Omnipresent One have mercy on them and remove them from distress to relief, from darkness to light, from subjugation to redemption, now, speedily, and soon — and let us say: Amen.”