Shiurim and Seforim for Elul from Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky, shlit”a

Live Shiurim
B”H with the start of Elul zman, Rabbi Lopiansky will be resuming several live weekly Shiurim via Zoom. For those of you who attended last zman’s shiurim, we welcome you back.
For those who have not joined in the past, we welcome you to join.
Shiurim will begin this Thursday August 27
To sign up for Shiurim click below:
Agadata Sotah Shiur 1:30 PM on Thursdays
Moreh Nevuchim Shiur 10:00 PM on Thursdays
Parsha Hashevuah Shiur 9:30 AM on Fridays
Yisodei HaTorah 10:00 PM on Motzei Shabbas
Tiferes Yisroel 6:45 AM on Sundays
Sponsor A Shiur
Want to sponsor a shiur as a zechus for a refuah shelayma or l’iloy nishmas?
Check out our new sponsorship opportunities
New Podcasts
Select series of Rabbi Lopiansky’s shiurim have been uploaded as podcasts. Search for “Rabbi Lopiansky”, on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts to find our latest episodes!
Upcoming Seforim
We are exited to share with you that two new seforim projects are in the beginning stages. We are looking for donors to help bring these projects to fruition.To hear more about dedication opportunities, please email us .
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