TORCH Dallas Shabbaton at the Epstein’s this week!
Join the Epsteins and our esteemed guests Rav Yossi Hartstein and Brudny’s Yeshiva bochurim for a lively Shabbaton filled with ruach, singing, and inspiration.
Friday: 9:30 am – Shacharis; 6:01 pm – Mincha/Maariv; 9:30 pm – Oneg
Shabbos: 9:30 am – Shacharis; 10:30 am – Learners’ Service, led by Rabbi Bentzi Epstein & Brudny’s bochurim
(Kiddush sponsorships available – donate via our secure portal and write “Feb 24 Shabbaton Kiddush” in the description)
Visit and join a class today!