Watch Again: Women’s Global Lag BaOmer ‘Together’

An inspiring and uplifting global women’s evening of Achdus with renowned speakers Miryam Swerdlov, Yemima Mizrachi, Leah Rubashkin and Chani Juravel.
What will it take to finally change the world…for Good?
Three women had an idea, and “Let’s L.A.G. Together!” was born.
Inspired by a recent endeavor, “The Final Push”, (, Z. Sasson of Jewish Women Influencers reached out to G. Stolik of The Joy Movement and B. Rubashkin of the Welcome Moshiach Learning Campaign, and together they decided to widen the circle of Geulah learning.
Reaching out to Litvish, Chassidish, Heimish, and Sephardic communities, they invited the women to join in an evening of Achdus, geared to Geulah. The women’s resounding response? “YES!!”
And so, in honor of Lag BaOmer, an auspicious time for unity and respect, an unprecedented event will take place, women from communities across the globe, such as Crown Heights, Denver, Lakewood, Monsey, London, Melbourne, Johannesburg, and Sao Paulo, just to name a few, will share in an inspirational evening together of “Learn, Achdus, Geulah.”
The incredible lineup of speakers – Miryam Swerdlov, Yemima Mizrachi, Leah Rubashkin and Chani Juravel – ensures this evening will be one with lasting results.