WATCH: How “The Wuhan Of Israel” Won The Battle Against The Coronavirus

When awareness of the coronavirus was just beginning to spread in Chareidi communities in Israel, the actual virus was already spreading in Telzstone.
It was the first Chareidi community hit with the virus and at one point it had the highest rate of infection relative to its population in Israel.
Following the diagnosis of the coronavirus in a guest who had stayed in Telzstone for Shabbos Zachor, hundreds of Telzstone residents were forced to self-quarantine before Purim.
Later, hundreds of other residents were sent to quarantine after six members of one family, parents and four children, were diagnosed with the virus. And then the first woman to give birth while positive for the coronavirus, a Telzstone resident, was diagnosed, sending even more people in quarantine.
There were so many residents in quarantine that the Telzstone local council opened a command center to assist residents and provide groceries to the quarantined familes, who couldn’t rely on neighbors since they were also in quarantine.
The local council, headed by Yitzchak Ravitz, did an excellent job, taking control of the situation, assisting the residents, and later placing the community in a self-imposed lockdown to avoid new cases.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)