WATCH: Shacharis in Ukraine as Explosions Heard in Background
KHARKOV (VINnews) — The scene was almost surreal, as davening took place at a shul in Ukraine this morning, with the sounds of bombing heard in the background.
It took place in Kharkov, Ukraine’s second-largest city. Early this morning Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz and his Rebbetzin, who lead the city’s Chabad, got a call from a community member, alerting them that the city was under attack.
The Moskovitz’s opened their window and heard explosions of artillery and smelled the burning, which tragically are becoming the “new norm” throughout the county.
Morning prayers in @Chabad Kharkov’s Choral synagogue with artillery in the background. The words they’re singing are a prayer for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem speedily in our days.
— Dovid Margolin (@dovidmargolin) February 24, 2022
When Rabbi Moskovitz arrived at the Choral Shul for Shacharis, he was not expecting to find a minyan. To his surprise, more than 30 men were waiting to daven, including a 95-year-old regular who said, “Where else should I be now if not the shul?”
An amazing video shows the congregants singing “Sheyiboneh Beis Hamikdash,” as the frightful sound of artillery filled the air. When they got to Krias HaTorah, the sound was even louder, yet the brave Kehilla continued, undeterred.