WE MUST NEVER FORGET: Commemorating Yom Hashoah with DATA

Dear Fellow Dallas Community Members and the DATA Family:
We hope this email finds you in good health and that you were able to enjoy Passover during these trying times. While we are coping with social distancing restrictions, worries about illness and anxiety about the economy, we nevertheless remain blessed to enjoy festive Passover meals in the comfort of our own homes. During the horrific nightmare of the Shoah, the kedoshim, the holy martyrs who perished and those that were able to survive were not as fortunate.
While we cannot physically gather as a community, we must be vigilant in commemorating the victims of the Shoah. Below is a quick seven minute story and message that will at least keep the memory of those amazing people close to our hearts and at the forefront of our memories.
While the COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly dissipate with G-d’s help, the wave of antisemitism sweeping across much of the world continues to grow. The message of this short commemoration is that WE WILL NEVER FORGET! We are an eternal people and will rise from this era’s challenge to even greater heights.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Breathtaking Seven Minute Story of a Hero of the Shoah
Rabbi Shaya Fox, a 5 year veteran DATA Rabbi, gives a short poignant story commemorating those great souls lost in the Shoah together with a practical idea to guarantee WE NEVER FORGET!!!
Virtual Candle-lighting Ceremony
The spiritual power of lighting a candle (Ner) for the elevation of a deceased person’s Neshama is well known. We encourage everyone in your household to light a virtual candle to commemorate one of the six million who perished. Simply click on the Light A Memorial Candle on the button from the link below. The website will provide you with a brief biography of the victim for whom you will be lighting.
With Best Wishes for Health and Inspiration,
The DATA Team