Why Was HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Feeling Weak?

A story that attests to Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky’s incredible attachment to Torah was written in the weekly pamphlet ‘דברי שי”ח,’ which publishes HaRav Chaim’s Torah, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.
The story, which was told over by Harav Chaim’s student, Rav Eliyahu Mann, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Hillel of Bnei Brak, accounted that Harav Chaim wasn’t feeling well on Thursday and he was noticeably weak.
Harav Chaim’s family members were very perturbed by his sudden weakness since there had been no prior signs of any illness.
The next day, Harav Chaim’s daughter Rebbitzen Rus Tzivyon, approached her father and asked him how he was feeling. Harav Chaim responded: “I didn’t feel well yesterday because I didn’t understand one of the Tosofosim in the sugya. Today, Baruch Hashem, I feel much better.”