MUST SEE VIDEO: Yameitz Libechu: Little Heart Beats Campaign for Children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD). This is the story of our granddaughter – Yaakov & Susan Rich
Watch as Yameitz Libechu saves the life of a Jewish baby.
This is the story of our granddaughter – Yaakov & Susan Rich
On April 6 of this year, a beautiful but very, very ill baby girl was born to our son Yirmiyahu and his wife Devorah. Through prenatal testing, we knew there might be challenges with her heart, but we were in no way prepared for what was to come. The beeping machines, the nervous medical staff, the tests, the tests, and more tests, and meetings which our dear children did not understand… What did it all mean? Until Mrs. Waks appeared.
Mrs. Waks, the founder of Yameitz Libechu, is an advocate for patients and their parents, often explaining complex matters with patience, knowledge, and experience. She is on a first-name basis with our granddaughter’s cardiologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and is always available for our children. She has connected them with doctors, advocated for them at meetings, and is holding their hands every step of the way.
With Hashem’s help, our granddaughter will be a candidate for heart surgery in the near future. She has not left the hospital and remains on the life support she has needed since birth. We are confident that Yameitz Libechu will guide us through our journey wherever it may lead and however long it may last.
Please join us in supporting this amazing organization that provides patient support and advocacy, meals, respite, crisis intervention, and medical networking for the families of adults and children with congenital heart disease. Your dollars will help children like ours navigate a scary, foreign, tenuous situation. Thank you for your generous support and may our granddaughter and all of Yameitz Libechu’s patients merit a refua shlaima b’karov.
— Yaakov & Susan Rich