A worldwide (FREE) Lag B’omer virtual event for your entire family, (Yes, parents too!)
The Rosh Chodesh Project
We would like to welcome all parents to the Rosh Chodesh Project-A Worldwide Emunah Video Curriculum. With open Siyata D’Shmaya, in just our third year, over 240 Yeshiva’s/School’s have already joined the project! Every month, a high quality exclusive video is sent to your child’s school on one specific topic of Emunah. Topics have included-“Banim Atem LaHashem”, “Power of Tefilla”, “Feeling Yetzias Mitzraim” and many other fundamental Yesodos. A raffle incentive worksheet (attached) is filled out and returned after the showing of the month’s video.
The difficult situation that we are facing calls for the greatest Chizuk in Emunah and we hope the RCP video’s will be an extra source of strength during these times. As per the many requests we have been receiving, the Vahashayvosa Foundation has decided to make select RCP video’s available for home viewing. Please enjoy this special video together with your family. If you would like to be notified if any other video/s become available please email [email protected] . Any child can enter an exciting raffle by sending us worksheets or self video’s answering what they learned/enjoyed from today’s video to [email protected].
To partner in this special Zchus of many thousands of children growing in their Emunah please be in touch with me directly ( [email protected] ) . Amazing Dedications opportunities still available (Bar Mitzva, L’iluy Nishmas etc.)
May we all be safe and healthy, and may we be Zoche to be Mechazek together and see the Geula B’Karov!
Rabbi Yossi Weiss
Director-Vahashayvosa Foundation
“Rosh Chodesh Project”
[email protected]