Agudath Israel Grieves Murderous Attacks in Israel, Prays for Recovery of Injured
In the wake of Hamas’ murderous attacks on Israelis, including civilian men, women and children, which have left over 800 dead, thousands injured, and entire families taken hostage, Agudath Israel of America joins fellow Jews and civilized people everywhere in outrage and in mourning the carnage.
That this attack was carried out on the holy day of Simchas Torah, a day of celebration of the Torah, only increases our pain.
We are heartened by the words of condemnation of Hamas’ actions from governmental, civil, and religious leaders in the U.S. and worldwide.
And we stand in support of the people of Israel as they face the country’s deepest tragedy in over fifty years.
Agudath Israel is actively monitoring the situation with our contacts in Israel and will be directing our constituents in how best to aid our brothers and sisters in Israel in the coming days.
We call upon our brethren across the globe to intensify our tefillos on behalf of the hostages and those injured, to support the victims and their families in whatever ways possible, and to beseech Hashem that peace be restored to the region: oseh shalom b’mromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol Yisroel, v’imru amein.
May Hashem send healing to the injured and comfort to the families of the slain.