Chabad of North Texas Presents: The Benny Friedman Am Yisrael Chai Tour

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Reuven & Aliza Rodin on the birth of…
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Tzvi & Adina Wachsman on the birth of…
The Thinking Jew Podcast: Ep. 75 Two Parts of the Omer: Honor…
Found: Men’s shirt and tzitzis near Judi St. Please call Rabbi Rich…
Courtship Leading To Intimacy, Intimacy, Kedusha, Understanding Love, Embracing Differences, The Evil Inclination . . . And So Much More
Hilchos Taaruvos, Sundays, Immediately Following 8 AM Shacharis. Will be followed by Hilchos Basar B’Chalav and Melicha.